Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Successful Kick-Off

The kick-off of the Gwinnett Chamber's newly re-vamped women's program -- affectionately known as GLOW was a wonderful success!

An article about GLOW was written in the Gwinnett Daily Post as well. Follow the link provided to view the article:

Thank you to our wonderful speaker Emily Sanders of Sanders Financial Management, our purse give-away sponsor Montage, our Presenting Sponsor Gwinnett Medical Center and our venue host Parc of Duluth.

And congrats again to our give-away winners:

Montrice Robinson of BB&T -- Purse provided by Montage
Ann La Favor of LaFavor Etc. -- Purse provided by Montage
Wendy Frank of Rocket IT -- Purse provided by Montage
and Edible Arrangements Gift Card

I always tell people that when any GLOW event ends I want them to have learned, laughed, networked and most importantly leave GLOWING! I hope that happened for all of my fabulously savvy and sassy attendees.

To register for our next meeting on October 17th visit the "upcoming events" section on our website --

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