Friday, March 11, 2011
100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A New Year Makeover for Your Money

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Give a little...GLOW a lot!
In the spirit of the holiday season, giving a little can greatly reflect in your GLOWing personality. Help us bring a little cheer to someone's life this year as we help the Partnership Against Domestic Violence.
Please show your giving side by bring a personal care item to the December 3rd GLOW event!
PADV Holiday WishList
Sanitary Napkins
Hair Care Products
Toilet Paper
Pain Reliever
Shower Gel or Soap
Tooth Paste
Body Lotion
For more information about the Partnership Against Domestic Violence please check out their website.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Time to Get Organized

I am constantly telling co-workers, "I am going to clean my cube today." And shamelessly…I just move a few stacks of papers around and leave at the end of the a busy work day knowing that my space will be a "mess" to greet me the next morning. With the new year only a little less than 2 months away and the promise that of "doing better" next year always a resolution, I never seem to rid myself of "piles" on my desk (or on my kitchen counter, in my car and laundry room floor.)
December's GLOW features Monica Ricci, professional organizer with Catalyst Organizing. She will be helping the GLOWING women of Gwinnett by giving her talk on "Striking a Balance: Powerful Life Management for the Stressed & Overwhelmed." A perfect topic for the most hectic…excuse me, I mean wonderful…time of the year!
Check out Monica's blog article on Why Piles Aren't So Bad After All
Rachel Jeffers (Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, Programs & Events Manager)